Business Process Offshoring
Benefit from the relatively lower costs and gain access to a young dynamic talented workforce by offshoring your Business activities to the new destination of Choice, Uganda and Exquisite Solution. By Offshoring to us, you shall:
- Benefit from our already trained switched on young talented workforce thus eliminating the high recruitment costs in most countries.
- Benefit from the numerous government incentives like lower taxes instituted for foreign projects in line with the government’s policy on FDIs.
- Concentrate on the core of your business as we manage all other aspects of the staff working on your outshore projects including payroll management, staff welfare, recruitment and associated chore like pre-employment screening, among others.
- Reduced operational costs derived from keeping a lean staff thus less need for huge office space, lower training costs, reduced utilities costs, especially during these inflationary times in the high-cost countries.
- We give you the chance to a 24/7 operation due to our location that favours all time zones, enhanced by our access to a large talent pool.
- This Offshoring model ensures you retain control over the staff working on your projects as well as retain control over your processes.
- Gain access to a diverse talent to manage your back office, technology, other auxiliary services, as well as accord you direct access to an extended market.
Support for Expatriate Staff
In today’s Globalised Economy, staff with key unique skills are posted globally to where their skills are most required. It’s a daunting task for both employers and these expatriate staff settling into new territories where they have no ties whatsoever especially during the initial months. We offer support to both companies and employees to seamlessly settle in into these new territories by supporting expatriates with:
- Visa and work permit processing
- Airport Pickups and transfers
- Accommodation identification and tenancy negotiation
- Incountry transport
- Education for the expatriates’ children
- Organising concierge services for the expatriate staff
- Help with filing Personal Tax returns and claims for returning expatriates
- Medical and other Insurance for self and family (where not covered by employer)
- Linguistics support by way of provision of professional interpreters where applicable
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
An automated system offering a multitude of intelligent call distribution options to businesses. Exquisite’s clients use the service to capture caller details, credit or payment card transactions, provide recorded information, direct calls to specified departments or offices and to provide confidential medical results.
Both simple and advanced IVR systems (press 1 / 2 / 3) can be offered, enabling organisations to communicate effectively with customers, in situations where live agents may not be appropriate.
In certain instances, IVR can be extremely cost effective and can efficiently handle higher volumes of peaky calls than live agents.
The ESL Voice Broadcasting Service:
Also referred to as Voice Blast; the ESL Voice Broadcasting service – a cloud telephony solution that is thus far one of the most exciting Value Adding services offered at the ESL BPO center, enables businesses send/receive phone calls from anywhere and anytime without any hardware equipment setup.
We have developed unique capabilities to broadcast messages on a very large scale, helping our clients connect with both their existing and new customers. With just one click, a recorded voice file is played automatically on the customers’ phones immediately a target call connects.
The service is especially to our B2B clients in aspects including:
- Phone Surveys
- Marketing Campaigns
- Business Notification
- Sending reminders
- Emergency Response
- Political Campaigns
Get in touch with your need and our IT Business support team will be happy to customise a solution for your unique needs.
Pre-Employment Screening / Employee Verification:
We know how critical the hiring process is to you. Quite literally, the next person you hire could be the reason for your company’s success or failure.
We at Exquisite Solution provide you with timely, accurate and cost-effective background checks to help you make those important hiring decisions. Our service is tailored to both your objectives and timescales.
Each of our clients has a different focus when vetting their staff and we provide precisely tailored solutions to meet these.
- Helps Reduce Fraud and Abuse-related Costs and Losses.
- You shall be able to identify prospective employees with a history of dishonesty, theft or embezzlement, allowing you to eliminate them during the hiring process.
- Helps increase Productivity at the Workplace through improved organizational efficiency via reduces labour turnover.
- It also promotes a drug free workplace by excluding candidates with drug offenses
- Helps reduce a possibility of recruiting individuals with record of high level of absenteeism
We offer Basic screening/ Basic Verification; Comprehensive screening, and Enhanced screening depending on what the client wishes to establish about a particular staff or recruit.
Project Advisory & Management Services
At Exquisite Solution, our ability to help solve clients’ most complex issues is distinct. We bring innovative yet practical solutions to client projects and programs, from development of project ideas, project design, sourcing for prospective project partners and funders, to project implementation and execution through innovative modern but cost effective ways.
We offer project support services by either taking on the management of a full project, or taking a variety of work streams within a specific project, or indeed managing a current or new project right from conception.
We use experienced project management specialists, underpinned by well-established methodologies that have been distilled from a dozen years’ experience gained working on projects within the region. We use Affordable, Scalable and Flexible methodologies applicable to new, existing or problematic projects and programmes.
Contact our Projects desk for project support including identification of Project Partners; Project design and execution in the Logistics, IT, Education, Health, Engineering sectors among others.